BOONE V. BOONE The mandate for written findings of fact and conclusions of law applies to DVO cases. CR 52.01 and KRS Chapter 403, along with the holding in Keifer, require findings in family law cases be reduced to writing. DVOs affect child custody, therefore they fall within the purview of CR 52.01. In this...Read More
DANIEL E. BAILEY, JR. (M.D.) V. HON. ALLAN RAY BERTRAM, JUDGE, MARION CIRCUIT COURT, DIVISION II, ET AL. Parties filing a medical negligence claim against a physician moved to intervene in the doctor’s divorce case solely to unseal portions of the sealed divorce records. The intervening parties claimed the divorce may have impacted the doctor’s...Read More
HUDSON V.COLE Father, a Michigan resident, and Mother, a Kentucky resident, live five hours apart, but were granted joint custody. The Trial Court ordered Father to have parenting time one weekend a month in Kentucky, in line with the “Parenting Time Assessment” report submitted by an expert appointed to conduct a custody assessment. The Trial...Read More
W.R.L., ET AL. V. A.H. A child born out of wedlock lived with A.H. as a family member for several years. A.H. participated in co-parenting the child , until A.H.’s relationship with the child’s mother ended. A.H. continued to have visitation with the child until the child’s mother got remarried and prevented A.H. from seeing...Read More
CAGATA V. CAGATA Husband and wife entered into an agreement at the time of dissolution, as part of a Marital Settlement Agreement, providing Husband would pay the costs of the children’s tuition, books, fees and uniforms for parochial high school, unless extraordinary financial circumstances prevented him from paying for it. The Trial Court found the...Read More
ROBISON V. THEELE, ET AL. Mother lived with her parents (hereinafter “grandparents”), and passed away after treatment for cancer, which mother underwent during dissolution proceedings. Father exercised visitation regularly during the proceedings and mother’s cancer treatment. At the time of the Mother’s death, the Trial Court awarded Grandparents a “status quo ex parte” order to...Read More
WOOD V. WOESTE Father and Mother had joint custody of child, who was living in Kentucky with Father during the school year. Mother resided in Montana. Father was given notice he was being returned to active service in the National Guard Air Force in September 2014. In December, Mother filed a motion for temporary primary...Read More
MOSKOVITZ V. MOSKOVITZ Appellant’s motion to modify child support was denied by the Circuit Court because Appellant could not attend a hearing in person. Appellant was a resident of Venezuela and unable to legally enter the United States. The Appellate Court reversed and remanded the Circuit Court’s decision, holding the Circuit Court abused its discretion,...Read More
MIX V. PETTY Appellant appeals the decision of the family court to terminate child support on May 30, 2014 for a home-schooled child remaining in high school after his 18th birthday. Appellant argued child support should either terminate on June 30, 2014, or extend until the child completed his senior year in November 2014. The...Read More
HOLT V. HOLT The appellant appealed a Bullitt County DVO, arguing the court lacked jurisdiction to enter a DVO. The petition for a DVO was originally filed in Nelson County. It was transferred to Bullitt County after the Nelson District Court determined Bullitt County would be more appropriate, as the court was already familiar with...Read More
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