Crandell v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, et al. Bullitt Circuit Court In 1997, a California court ordered Gregory Crandell to pay child support for his two minor children. 20 years later, the California order was registered in Kentucky. After multiple summonses accompanied by failures to appear, Crandell was arrested on a bench warrant. While incarcerated, Crandell...Read More
Salame Ajami v. Tescari Solano No. 20-5283 Mother removed the Children from Venezuela to the United States. Father petitioned to have the Children returned to Venezuela under the Hague Convention. Prior to the petition, Mother and the Children were granted asylum in the United States. In the District Court, the parties entered stipulations that Venezuela...Read More
There may be a time when you need to change a parenting time or custody order. The process will likely start with a motion for modification. When it comes to child custody, one of the most common reasons parents seek out a modification to a prior court order is relocation. Sometimes people may have to...Read More
Mark W. Carr v. Jessica J. Carr Trigg Circuit Court This matter involves the heavily litigated case of Mark and Jessica Carr. Married in October of 2010, the couple had a son in 2012. In May of 2017, the couple separated. Since then, a the parties have been in a heavily contested custody battle. Jessica...Read More
In addition to a child custody agreement, the primary parent or custodian of the child involved can also receive child support. Child support cases can become heated if both parties involved do not agree on support terms. However, the law provides that children have the right to receive financial support from both parents no matter...Read More
F.B. v. E.B., et al. Butler Circuit Court Child was born in June 2014. The Mother of the Child, E.B., faced criminal drug charges in 2016. With the Child’s father incarcerated and instability caused by the pending charges, the Mother turned to the Child’s Aunt, F.E., asking if the Child could live with the Aunt...Read More
M.S.S. V. J.E.B., et al. Warren Circuit Court This decision concerns the biological Mother of the Child, born in January 2011. The Mother, suffering from substance use disorder, had a criminal history starting in 2009, that had her intermittently imprisoned from then to 2017. First cousin of the Mother, J.E.B., and his wife, D.J.B (Appellees),...Read More
D.H. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al. Kenton Family Court This decision focused on D.H. (father) and G.P. (mother), the parents of three children. Dating back to 2008, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (the “Cabinet”) had been involved in matters relating to both parties based on concerns of substance abuse...Read More
L.G.A. v. W.R.O., et al. & L.G.A. v. J.W.G.L., et al. Mason Circuit Court The Mother of two children, K.A.M.R. and K.N.R., filed petitions to involuntarily terminate the parental rights of each respective child’s father. Neither father had been involved in their child’s life for many years. Mother named the Cabinet for Health and Family Services...Read More
Johnston v. Johnston Hardin Circuit Court On September 21, 2020, Cindy Patricia Johnston (“Cindy”), filed a petition seeking a DVO restraining order on behalf of her twelve-year-old child, S.O. The DVO was to restrain Justin Kyle Johnston (“Justin”), Cindy’s husband and S.O.’s stepfather. The petition alleged that Justin “kissed” and “tried to stick his [tongue]...Read More
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