LawReader is now posting Kentucky Court of Appeals and Supreme Court decisions and a synopsis within hours of release. You must subscribe to access the full opinion and a complete digest, but the price is reasonable, especially in view of the numerous legal research tools it offers. Accessing the unpublished cases will likely become important...Read More
Michael Stevens was very kind to announce the presence of this blog in his KentuckyLawBlog today. The good news is you’re reading it. The bad news is that you will see the learning curve in progress as we improve it.Read More
The Family Law Taxation Blog has a recent posting about innocent spouse tax relief: However, even if the IRS absolves a sopuse from tax liability, in a KY divorce, the trial court can assess some of the burden of the tax to the innocent spouse. Dobson v. Dobson, 159 SW3d 335 (Ky.App., 2004) Spouse...Read More
As promised, here’s the complete list and summary of the latest Kentucky cases that are final and now published. I have included just a few important non-final cases, but the status is indicated. Retired Chief Family Court Judge Richard A. Revell summarized half the cases in connection with our Fifteenth Annual Domestic Relations Update at...Read More
Michael Stevens’ KentuckyLawBlog, KyCases, and LouisvilleLawWire have been of enormous help to the bar, providing a much needed (and free!) service of publicizing appellate opinions. We all owe him a big thanks. This blog will not duplicate his efforts. We are working on a grouping of published family law cases which we will keep updated...Read More