M. v. Allen County Attorney’s Office, et al. Father appealed Family Court’s dispositional order in a Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse (“DNA”) matter. Father did not name the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (“the Cabinet”) as a party to the appeal. Father failed to respond to the Court of Appeals’ Order requiring him to...Read More
K.S. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (“the Cabinet”) filed DNA petitions for two children of Mother and Father alleging Father abused one child and placed the other at risk of harm or neglect due to the alleged abuse. After the parents’ third child...Read More
S.T., et al. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al. In a dependency, neglect, and abuse action, after a temporary removal hearing, custody of the minor children at issue was given to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (“the Cabinet”), which put the minor child in foster care. Mother eventually named...Read More
G.P. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services Trial Court committed minor child to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Father argued the Trial Court erred when it failed to place minor child with Stepmother, or, alternatively, with one of three blood relatives. Stepmother was not biologically related to minor child and Father failed...Read More
W.L.F. v. Cabinet Trial court entered an order denying Father’s motion to place his minor child with him or to permit unsupervised visitation. Court of Appeals dismissed Father’s appeal because the order of the trial court was interlocutory as it did not preclude Father from seeking similar or expanded relief in the future. Digested By:...Read More
F.V. v. Cabinet Trial court terminated Father’s parental rights pursuant to KRS 625.090(2). As grounds for termination, the trial court relied upon Father’s criminal history, alcohol abuse, and a ten month period of incarnation. While incarcerated, Father attended substance abuse classes and parenting classes. Once released, Father continued to attend substance abuse classes, provided weekly...Read More
S.B.P. v. R.L. and M.L. Biological Father, a federal inmate, of minor child, challenged judgment of adoption entered by Trial Court. The case was initiated by a petition filed by Child’s Maternal great-grandparents seeking involuntary termination of Father’s parental rights and voluntary termination of Mother’s rights. The petition was later amended to add a prayer...Read More
K.S. v. B.S. In a Dependency, Neglect, or Abuse proceeding, Family Court entered an order finding that Father sexually abused Child. Father moved the court to order visitation with the child and after a final hearing, the Family Court entered an order granting the Father’s motion to re-establish visitation. In its findings, the Family Court...Read More
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky on Behalf of the Minor Child C.R. v. C.B. Trial court found child born with drugs in her system to be neglected by Father who had a history of drug addiction, was not compliant with his case plan with the Cabinet, and had a previous involuntary...Read More
K.S. V. COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES Trial court terminated the parental rights of young, autistic mother who was compliant with all Cabinet recommendations. Mother appealed arguing the trial court erred because the Cabinet had not demonstrated the statutory grounds for termination by clear and convincing evidence. The Court of Appeals...Read More