CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES V. J.M.G., ET AL. In the midst of a lengthy dependency, neglect, and abuse, case the family court held CHFS in contempt for failure to file the required case progress report per KRS 620.240 and failure to immediately obtain a pretrial conference date per FCRPP 34(1). The Supreme Court...Read More
RYAN V. RYAN Mother filed a motion to suspend father’s summer visitation time after daughter reported smelling marijuana in the home. Father submitted to a urine test which was negative for all substances, and a hair follicle test which tested positive for marijuana. There was no mechanism for determining the date of marijuana use. At...Read More
S. E.A. v. R. J.G. Child was temporarily removed from Mother’s custody in a DNA action. Father filed separate custody action in which mother stipulated to dependency for the purposes of temporary custody. At a subsequent DNA hearing, the family court determined the child should remain in father’s temporary custody with time sharing to be...Read More
Bell v. Bell Unreimbursed business expenses may not be deducted from the gross income of an employed parent in calculating child support. However if trial court finds the amount of unreimbursed expenses an extraordinary factor, it may deviate from the guideline award to reach an equitable result.Read More
Middleton v. Middleton Interesting 50 page opinion and dissent addressing characterization of distributions from family trust, nonmarital tracing and standard of proof, division of marital personalty, assignment of debt, attorney fees and costs.Read More
C.A.W. and T.L.M. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky; B.L.M., an Infant, and S.M.M., an Infant, NO. 2012-CA-000875-ME Published: Affirming County: Jefferson FACTS:Read More
C.J.M. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the interest of C.K.A., an infant No. 2012-CA-000590-ME and C.F.A. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the interest of C.K.A., an infant No. 2012-CA-000591-ME Published: Opinion Affirming County: GarrardRead More