There may be a time when you need to change a parenting time or custody order. The process will likely start with a motion for modification. When it comes to child custody, one of the most common reasons parents seek out a modification to a prior court order is relocation. Sometimes people may have to...Read More
Mark W. Carr v. Jessica J. Carr Trigg Circuit Court This matter involves the heavily litigated case of Mark and Jessica Carr. Married in October of 2010, the couple had a son in 2012. In May of 2017, the couple separated. Since then, a the parties have been in a heavily contested custody battle. Jessica...Read More
F.B. v. E.B., et al. Butler Circuit Court Child was born in June 2014. The Mother of the Child, E.B., faced criminal drug charges in 2016. With the Child’s father incarcerated and instability caused by the pending charges, the Mother turned to the Child’s Aunt, F.E., asking if the Child could live with the Aunt...Read More
J.S.B. v. S.R.V. Livingston Circuit Court Questions Presented: Child Custody. Issues involve attempted adoptions of two children to terminate their biological father’s rights (without terminating their mother’s parental rights) as well as the applicability and viability of the parental “waiver” decision of Mullins v. Picklesimer, 317 S.W.3d 569 (Ky. 2010). The issues decided by the...Read More
MEMORANDUM Moore v. Moore Whitley Circuit Court Questions Presented: KRS 403.340(3). Modification of Visitation. Best Interests of the Children. Risk of Harm. The “Law of this Case” Doctrine. The issue here is whether the trial court erred in failing to make a specific written finding that it was in the best interests of the Movant’s...Read More
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”), KRS 403.800 et seq., has provisions which permit nonparents to petition a court for custody. KRS 403.822 permits a “person acting as a parent” to petition a court for custody. Mullins v. Picklesimer, 317 S.W.3d 569, 575 (Ky. 2010). A “person acting as a parent” is...Read More
As part of a dissolution of marriage with children or a custody case, the court will determine the custody arrangement that is in the best interest of the children. A child’s legal custodian makes decisions regarding the child’s education, health care, and religious training. The parent that the court determines should be the legal custodian...Read More
Even while married, couples can have difficulty navigating the holiday season. Grandparents, step-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and more all want face time during the holidays, especially when a little one is involved. A divorce or separation can add even more complications to the busy holiday season.Read More
Gonzalez v. Dooley Warren Circuit Court Before Wife petitioned for divorce, Husband and Child relocated to Kansas City, Kansas, where Husband’s parents lived. Wife contended that Husband did not consult her about the relocation but rather that Husband had sent her a text message that he was going to look for employment and would return...Read More
Carver v. Carver Boyd Circuit Court After a hearing on Father’s motion to modify custody from joint custody to sole custody, the Domestic Relations Commissioner (“DRC”) recommended that the parents continue to have joint custody; that Father be designated as the primary residential parent; and that Father make all decisions concerning Child’s medical and educational...Read More