This is a very long post, but I think even very experienced litigators will enjoy it. Most of it is below the fold so you can click “continue reading…” as you have time to take it in, or come back to it before you take your next deposition. Vicki Pynchon has been sharing tips for...Read More
Thomas v. Thomas, 2004 CA-001997-MR, designated not to be published, discretionary review granted. Issue and Holding: Whether the trial court erred in denying wife an evidentiary hearing and adopting the Domestic Relations Commissioner’s four year old recommended findings of fact and conclusions of law. The Court held no, either party could have requested that the...Read More
In May, 2006 when we posted some of the proposed civil rules changes, we tracked the changes so you could see what was added and/or deleted from the proposed rule. The changes were not hightlighted when finalized and published in the Bench and Bar, so we thought it might be helpful to repost so you...Read More
Welch v. Velten, 185 S.W.3d 163 (Ky. 2006) Issue and Holding: Whether a party’s motion to dismiss her opponent’s appeal pursuant to Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure (CR) 76.34(6) suspends the running of time within which that party may file a notice of cross-appeal, pending a ruling on the motion to dismiss. The Court held...Read More
The Indiana Law Blog posted an excellent updated article on the status of citing unpublished opinions at the federal and state levels. Kentucky non-published opinions have long been available on Westlaw and have been online at the Court of Justice website for some time, so we did not have to address the transparency issue. There...Read More
It’s official: effective January 1, 2007, unpublished Appellate Opinions rendered after January 1, 2003 may be cited for consideration if there is no published opinion on point. Section (4)(c) of CR 76.28 will read:Read More
Yesterday we posted the new Rules of Practice of Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division and its new website. Today LawReader posts links to: Other Kentucky Court Family Law websites Administrative Office of the Courts forms available onlineRead More
Scott Furkin, General Counsel, Administrative Office of the Courts, Kentucky, explains the confusion over the implementation of HB424 in a letter to be published next month in the Louisville Bar Briefs. You can read it Download hb424expain.pdf, now.Read More