“The Kentucky child support statutes, like those of most states, provides a preference for prior-born children when calculating child support. In this case of first impression, the Kentucky Court of Appeals holds that this preference does not violate equal protection. ‘We agree with [other state] courts that the state’s interest in seeing that prior-born children...Read More
The Arizona Family Law Blog reports and links to a 9th Circuit case ruling on the constitutional liberty interests a noncustodial parent has to the care and companionship to a child. Update: Case digest from the Family Law Prof Blog.Read More
DAVIS v. WASHINGTON (Nos. 05-5224 and 05-5705) together with No. 05-5705, Hammon v. Indiana, on certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana, was handed down yesterday. The link is to the syllabus, which states the holding of the opinion by Justice Scalia is as follows: 1. The Confrontation Clause bars “admission of testimonial statements of...Read More
From The Family Law Prof’s Blog: Commentary: Do State Constitutional Bans on Same-Sex Marriage Impact Domestic Violence Statutes and Unmarried Women? and Another Ohio Appellate Court Holds Domestic Violence Statute Unconstitutional under Ohio’s Defense of Marriage AmendmentRead More
Eugene Volokh, a professor at UCLA School of Law, a prolific writer, and in a former life a law clerk to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, will publish this month a significant piece of legal scholarship, Parent-Child Speech Restricitons. I am please to have his permission to link to the draft.Read More