Now I read there is an infidelity expert. What will they think of next? Spying on Your Cheating Spouse Could Be Against the Law is the title of an article by Ruth Huston which advises people they can find out if a spouse is cheating by reading her book.Read More
On Friday, October 20, 12-1, the Jury Assembly Room, Judicial Center, Louisville, KY is the place to be for the Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division Forum. These periodic forums are invaluable exchanges between the family court bench and bar. There’s always some news and a genuine feeling that feedback is appreciated.Read More
J. Benjamin Stevens at South Carolina Family Law Blog posts today the last of a weekly five-part series, 50 Ways Not To Leave Your Lover, written by Dr. Trey Kuhne a pastoral counselor and licensed marriage and family therapist with Pathways Pastoral Counseling in Spartanburg, SC. In the final post, he links to the first...Read More
Ann Hartwell Britton has published an article entitled “Bones of Contention: Custody of Family Pets” in the Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Vol. 20, 2006, No. 1.Read More
When clients ask whether it matters who files for divorce first, we generally say that divorce lasts a long, long time, and no one should file first to get a leg up. We may add that if a case goes to trial, there is a school of thought that the rule of primacy favors a...Read More
Yesterday we posted the new Rules of Practice of Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division and its new website. Today LawReader posts links to: Other Kentucky Court Family Law websites Administrative Office of the Courts forms available onlineRead More
Thursday, September 14, at 10p.m. on PBS, Kids & Divorce: For Better or Worse will explore what parents and the legal system can do to minimize the negative impact of divorce on children. The one-hour television special will look at innovative approaches to divorce education, debate whether current custody laws should be changed, and will...Read More
My Trial Blog is chock full of trial practice tips. Check out some of the recent posts: Oops! I Forgot to Object!- Or, How Not to Lose your Appeal at Trial Direct Examination Doesn’t Have To Be Boring PowerPoint Examples from Leading Plaintiff’s LawyersRead More
“Chocolate Pudding Brings Peace of Mind!” is the most recent post of Lawrence King of Colorado Divorce Mediation. It’s a nice blog that has been dark over the summer. We are pleased to read this new book review. The ABA has a new handout for children of divorcing parents, too, but this looks terrific for...Read More
A unique new book from the ABA Section of Family Law –Here’s their announcement: Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Lawyer’s Guide to Emerging Law and Science By Charles P. Kindregan, Jr. and Maureen McBrien More