Shown v. Shown, 2004-CA-000988-MR. Discretionary review granted June 7, 2006; not for publication by operation of CR 76.28(4). Here’s the digest of the Court of Appeals decision: Issue and Holding: Whether husband’s entire Kentucky Teacher’s Retirement Account is exempt from division as marital property pursuant to KRS 161.700. The Court held yes, such retirement is...Read More
Keeney v. Keeney, — S.W.3d – (Ky. App. 2007), decided March 16, 2007, designated to be published, not yet final. Issues and Holdings: 1) Whether the trial court erred in imposing a constructive trust. The Court held no, the trial court did not err. 2) Whether the trial court erred by finding that the wife...Read More
Many corporations are feeling the heat and have been in the news for back-dating stock options. This Forbes article posits that the issue may have a gnarly impact on such options in the event of divorce. It doesn’t suggest solutions, but sometimes the important thing is to be aware that there may be a problem...Read More
“As soon as the divorce papers are served, the asset shuffling begins. It’s amazing what angry spouses try to do–and what they can get away with” is the distressing title of an article the November 13, 2006 edition of Forbes, published online last week. A correction to the article: the third edition of Equitable Distribution...Read More
Oh, dear; this cannot be good public policy. Divorce courts should be requiring no-holds-barred open disclosure. This decision will create or perpetuate a culture of trickery in litigation. It is beyond comprehension that the sale of business for $225 million could take place in one month. When the seller signed this divorce agreement he had...Read More
There are two good posts on a new collusive divorce case, one from Updates in Michigan Family Law and the other from the Family Law Prof Blog.Read More
New Headache For Homeowners: Inflated Appraisals: Rosy Valuations, Common In Boom, Now Haunt Sellers; It’s Pay-the-Piper Time is the story by James R. Hagerty and Ruth Simon in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, Weekend Edition July 22, 2006; Page A1Read More
AAML President-Elect, Guy Ferraro is cited in a Concord Monitor Online article, as American’s attachment to their pets filters into the divorce arena. The St. Petersburg Times reports on pending cases that are attempting to test pets being treated merely as divisible marital property.Read More