Family law may be suited for interdisciplinary practice firms, and frankly, I am surprised no one has pushed the envelope to form mutually owned entities in this field. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a financial planner or CPA in the office next door to help with every tax and support issue as it arises?...Read More
From the Indiana Law Blog, “Electing Judges Is Not Wise”, which links to an interview with former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She’s preaching to the choir here.Read More
Online Guide to Mediation reports a new alternative dispute method (can this be a joke?) used by a federal court in Florida. The order directs that “counsel shall engage in one (1) game of “rock, paper, scissors.” The winner of this engagement shall be entitled to select the location for the 30(b)(6) deposition to be...Read More
The conversation across the pond is fascinating, as the UK considers cohabitants’ rights upon dissolution. You’ll enjoy the Leeds Today article which opens with a quote from a spouse in a 78 year marriage, “We rarely see eye to eye and we have an argument every day.” It continues, “The proposed changes in law mark...Read More
In an article in The Weekly Standard yesterday, Edward Whelan heaves insults at the divorce bar by pronouncing, “Tucker’s narrow specialty, divorce law, is far removed, in both substance and sophistication, from the work of the federal appellate courts–especially from the complex cases of administrative law that are the staple of the D.C. Circuit.” Excuse...Read More
United Press International reports Gallop Poll results showing an increasing number of people who view marriage less important than in prior polls, even in families with children. The Guardian UK News reports a new proposal in the UK that would apply divorce type law to unmarried couples. If marriage declines, are divorce type laws the...Read More
Florida’s Janet Langjahr has two recent postings relating to domestic violence. Last week on FlaDivorceLawBlog she wrote about a study reported in Forbes, that found victims were more apt to confide the abuse to a computer than to a physician, leading advocates to the recommendation that health care providers use computerized questionnaires.Read More
The following proposed civil rule change is on the docket for the KBA June Seminar: CR 10.01 Caption; names parties – personal data identifiersRead More
The Court of Appeals is already, by order, putting most of these matters on a fast track, as well as child custody cases. The proposed rule would provide: CR 71.12(2)(a), (3)(b) and (4)(c) and (d) BriefsRead More
Where to file an appeal has frustrated many taking an appeal from Family Court. It you know which courts are established pursuant to Ky. Const. section 110 (5) (b) and section 112 (6), this proposed rule change will clear everything up: CR 73.01 (2): All appeals shall be taken to the next higher court by...Read More