The Court of Appeals in Ontario ruled that three parents can have parental rights over one child . Between A.A., Appellant and B.B. and C.C., Appellees. The background of the case is reported in Jurist. A Canadian child can legally have three parents – two mothers and a father.Read More
Stan Billingsly at LawReader requested that we post the law on this fact situation: an unmarried pregnant woman wants to know if the father of her unborn child is responsible for the expenses of her pregnancy and how does she obtain reimbursement if he refuses to pay? KRS 406.011 obligates the father to pay the...Read More
“Kentucky looks to speed up adoptions”, is the Courier-Journal front page headline reporting on the Blue Ribbon Panel on Adoption meeting in Frankfort yesterday. The online edition link to today’s article was not yet available at the early hour of this posting. What an informative and productive meeting it appears to have been.Read More
The Relationship of Biology to Legal Fatherhood: Two New Cases Show Courts Struggling to Find a Coherent Approach, As Non-Biological Fathers Fight for Their Rights to ChildrenRead More
The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed today, in a published opinion, Hinshaw v. Hinshaw, an award of joint custody to a father who was not told until after the divorce petition was filed that he was not the father of his son. Because our office is involved with this case, that’s all we will say...Read More
Florida Divorce Law Blog posts on a pending lawsuit, Can Boy Born to Married Parents Compel Bio Mom to Disclose Bio Dad After Legal Dad Ruled Out? “After his parents’ divorce, the boy resided primarily with his legal father – the then-husband of the boy’s biological mother.(In many states, including Florida, the man married to...Read More
“The Michigan supreme court reversed the court of appeals’ decision in Barnes v Jeudevine, in an opinion released on July 26, 2006. Docket No. 129606. As a result, Barnes, who filed an action seeking a determination of paternity of a child conceived while the child’s mother was married to another man—a child whom he co-parented...Read More
An interesting decision from New Jersey, digested by Charles Abut on the ABA Family Law listserve: J.R. v. L.R., ___ N.J. Super. ___ (App. Div.); New Jersey App. Div., July 17, 2006 “On the biological father’s appeal from an order requiring he and his daughter’s psychological father each to pay child support, held :Read More
A South Carolina case last month held that a man had standing to pursue visitation, even though not biologically related to child. Mom was estopped from contesting standing because of multiple year relationship she permitted to develop between man and child. Middleton v. Johnson.Read More