Last month we reported here on a “not to be published” relocation case in which the Kentucky Supreme Court granted discretionary review. Now there is another. While we still fret about whether to digest “not to be published’ decisions, it certainly seems worthwhile to do so for those which are being entertained on discretionary review....Read More
It is difficult enough to keep track of the “to be published” decisions. Yet here is the digest of this “not to be published” decision as the Kentucky Supreme Court has accepted discretionary review. Pennington v. Marcum, 2006 WL 2194903 (Ky. App.) Issues and Holdings:Read More
Ben Stevens at The South Carolina Family Law Blog, posts a nice online link for a useful resource in move away cases. One of the (many) issues that the Court considers in such cases is the quality of the schools in each location.Read More
Editor’s note: This case is now final, and we will update post with SW3d cite when available. Robinson v. Robinson, __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 3460123 (Ky. App.) Issue and Holding: Whether the trial court had the jurisdiction to modify the custody decree regarding one parent’s wish to relocate with the children....Read More
Brockman v. Craig, 205 S.W.3d 244 (Ky. App. 2006) Issues and Holdings: 1) Whether a parent, who spends more time with child than the other parent, can claim the status of primary residential parent for purposes of determining the standard to apply to a motion to relocate. The Court held no, the parent cannot claim...Read More
Chief Judge Stephen George gave an excellent presentation on relocation at the AAML/LBA seminar last week,” Fenwick, Dead or Alive?” We have made an editorial decision, though, not to report on judges’ comments on this blog. The ABA Family Law Advocate features relocation as the subject of its most recent edition and contains a good...Read More