No wonder I couldn’t find this case in a prior post; it was still in the draft stage pending ruling by the Kentucky Supreme Court on discretionary review, although we did refer to it in a story on the Supreme Court elections in Kentucky. As a general rule, we intend only to publish cases that...Read More
We first saw the BIG news of the day at The Art of Divorce blog which linked to an AP story reporting on the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to block a lesbian woman from pursuing a custody claim to a child conceived by her partner through artificial donor insemination. The case arises from Washington state,...Read More
The Indiana Law Blog posts thoughtful excerpts from an editorial in today’s Fort Wayne News Sentinel concerning adoption by same sex couples. The Indiana Law Blog also reports today that the Indiana Supreme Court has been asked to review a decision permitting joint adoption by an unmarried couple, citing conflicting lower court rulingsRead More