Cabinet for Health & Fam. Servs., Com. v. H.L.O. Letcher Circuit Court Questions Presented: Termination of Parental Rights. Calculation of Time Spent in Out-of-Home Care. Reviewing the Court of Appeals’ reversal of the trial court’s judgment terminating parental rights, the Court finds there was substantial evidence in the record to support the trial court’s findings...Read More
R.M. v. Cabinet for Health and Fam. Servs., Com. Harrison Circuit Court Questions Presented: Termination of Parental Rights. Best Interests of the Child. Reasonable Efforts. Substantial evidence in the case supported trial court judge’s decision to terminate parental rights despite acknowledged cultural barriers and the children’s express wishes to return to their parents. Children were...Read More
A.G. v. Cabinet for Health & Fam. Servs., Com. Jefferson Circuit Court Questions Presented: Interstate Compact for The Placement of Children (ICPC). KRS 615.030. Opinion of the Court reversing the Court of Appeals and vacating the judgment of the Jefferson Family Court terminating the parental rights of A.G. to his minor son. Court held that...Read More
T.R.F. v. D.A.H. Jefferson Circuit Court Biological Father and Mother were in a relationship for approximately ten years but never married. They had two children. The relationship was tumultuous, as Biological Father abused alcohol and was often intoxicated, during which time he was often abusive to Mother, which the Children witnessed. In a custody case...Read More
S.R.V. v. J.S.B. Livingston Circuit Court The parties married in 2008 and divorced in July 2014. After divorce, they reconciled and began living together again but never remarried. In December 2014, S.R.V. gave birth to Older Child. In August 2016, she gave birth to Younger Child. J.S.B. helped raise the children. In February 2018, the...Read More
J. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al. The Department of Community Based Services was notified that Mother’s children were discovered unattended in a hotel room. Mother had entrusted her children with a friend who left them unattended since 10 p.m. the night before. Mother was in Missouri and stated she did...Read More
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al. v. K.S. Mother advised hospital personnel, after birth of Child, that she did not know how to properly care for Child. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (“the Cabinet”) became involved and took custody of Child, placing him in foster care six days later, where...Read More
C.J. v. M.S. and Cabinet for Health and Family Services Adoptive parents filed a dual petition seeking to terminate biological mother’s parental rights and to adopt minor child. Following a full evidentiary hearing, the family court entered simultaneous, separate orders terminating Biological mother’s parental rights and granting adoptive parents’ petition to adopt child. The parties...Read More
A.F. and M.F. v. L.B. and B.B. Maternal aunt and uncle filed a petition to adopt minor child without biological mother and father’s consent under KRS 199.502(1). The Trial court held a hearing and entered an interlocutory judgment thirty-five (35) days after the close of arguments. Biological mother and father sought to dismiss the case...Read More
F.V. v. Cabinet Trial court terminated Father’s parental rights pursuant to KRS 625.090(2). As grounds for termination, the trial court relied upon Father’s criminal history, alcohol abuse, and a ten month period of incarnation. While incarcerated, Father attended substance abuse classes and parenting classes. Once released, Father continued to attend substance abuse classes, provided weekly...Read More